The restless heroes of the old animated series "Funny Melodies" - Twitty, the treacherous cat Sylvester, coyote, shepherd Sam and others, today found a new life in the field of the most popular games. For example, Bugs Bunny Rabbit can be found not only on TV, but also on our game portal as the hero of one of the arcades - in the classic virtual mosaic. Gamers love to collect complex puzzles, and the game with the famous rabbit is just one of them. It provides two options - a standard puzzle with a lot of details and tag. In addition, there are several levels available to everyone.
IDLE: Planets Breakout
Pusher 3D
Monster High Beauty Shop
Love Rescue : Pull Pins and Brain Wash
Risky Rescue
Puppet Hockey Battle
Jetpack Panda Bao
Santa Cooking
Stage Show Designer
Squid Game Challneges 3D
Princess House Cleanup
Fury Cross Road
Blow Kings
Mini Car Parking
Tangle Rope 3D Untie Master
Game Find the Differences
Blonde Doll Fashion Style Puzzle
Drift Hunt
Tetra Challenge
Shot Pong
Street Basketball Championship
Halloween Memory GF
Minecraft Differences
Dark Barn Escape
The Unique Fish
Baby Hazel Crafts Time
Sweet Cake Shop - Cooking & Bakery
Arrows Edge
Help Me Tricky Story
Draw Couple